(718) 689-0620
The state’s leading arts and culture advocacy organization providing vision, leadership, and resources to ensure the growth, prosperity and sustainability of arts and culture in Georgia!
Georgians for the Arts

Legislative Updates

  • ARTS ACTION ALERT! Georgia Council for the Arts Funding Increase  
    Georgia’s first Arts and Economic Prosperity report reveals that the state’s arts sector, with a $29.2 billion impact, supports 19,734 jobs and attracts 16.6 million attendees to events. Advocates are urged to contact House and Senate Representatives to increase funding for the Georgia Council for the Arts. Actions include messaging legislators, contacting the Creative Arts and Entertainment Committee, and visiting the Arts Action Center to bolster the lucrative industry.
  • ARTS ACTION ALERT! House Bill Dedicated to Supporting Georgia Council for the Arts
    Take quick action and send your State House Representative a request that they support HB 1265. HB 1265 will allow you to elect all or part of your state tax refund to be dedicated to helping to provide additional funding to the Georgia Council for the Arts starting in 2025. HB 1265 was previously known as HB 821. Still, the legislation expired after two years of inaction by the Ways and Means Committee.
  • Arts Action Alert: Congress to Address Arts Funding in December Omnibus Bill
    After weeks of negotiations and months of collective advocacy by arts advocates, Congressional appropriators unveiled their FY 2023 omnibus appropriations package to fund the federal government for next year. Please take a few minutes to thank your congressional members for supporting the arts in America and urge them to vote for the final passage of this major legislation as soon as possible.
  • Georgia Music Heritage Study Committee Update  
    Georgia Music Partners reporting on the Joint House and Senate Georgia Music Heritage Study Committee.
  • Senate Appropriations Committee Releases NEA Funding Details
    Americans for the Arts, October 20. On Monday, unexpectedly, Senate Appropriations Chairman Pat Leahy (D-VT) released the texts of 9 of the appropriations bills, as a way of kick-starting some activity around them. Ranking Member Richard Shelby (R-AL) and Leahy are negotiating how to advance the bills further in the Senate.