(718) 689-0620
The state’s leading arts and culture advocacy organization providing vision, leadership, and resources to ensure the growth, prosperity and sustainability of arts and culture in Georgia!
ARTS ACTION ALERT! House Bill Dedicated to Supporting Georgia Council for the Arts

ARTS ACTION ALERT! House Bill Dedicated to Supporting Georgia Council for the Arts

Take quick action and send your State House Representative a request that they support HB 1265.

HB 1265 will allow you to elect all or part of your state tax refund to be dedicated to helping to provide additional funding to the Georgia Council for the Arts starting in 2025.

HB 1265 was previously known as HB 821. Still, the legislation expired after two years of inaction by the Ways and Means Committee.

Your 2024 options include wildlife conservation, cancer research, land conversation, National Guard, dog and cat sterilization, Saving the Cure, Realizing Educational Achievement Can Happen, and public safety.

If you want this new option, please take a moment to send our message to encourage the Ways and Means Committee members to add HB 1265 to their agenda. 

Alternatively, you can contact the Ways and Means Committee members directly using the contact information provided.  We also provided the contact information for the sponsors of HB 1265 to send them a thank you for their support.