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2023 Georgia Legislative Session Preview

2023 Georgia Legislative Session Preview

Brown Bag Lunch Series: 2023 Georgia Legislative Session Preview

On Thursday, December 15, 2023, Georgians for the Arts hosted a free round table previewing 2023 State legislation affecting arts and culture.

The session covered existing and proposed legislation impacting ticket sale taxation, legalization of gambling, music investment, state income tax deductions,  state arts agency funding, music and theatre jobs recovery, and other legislation of interest.

Speakers included representatives from the Fox Theatre Institute, Georgia Association of Museums, Georgia Music Partners, Dance Educators of Georgia, Georgia Humanities, and LegiNation.

Legislation Discussed:

  • SR 135 – Sports Betting
  • SB 142 – Lottery for Education; lottery game of sports wagering in this state
  • HB 586 – Georgia Economic Recovery Act of 2021 (sales tax exemption)
  • HB 821 – Income tax; Georgia taxpayers to make certain voluntary contributions to Georgia Council for the Arts

Bonus: LegiNation demonstrated its free tool, BillTrack50, to help monitor and track state and federal legislative activity.  In addition, Georgians for the Arts conducted a walk through of its Arts Action Center designed to help educate, promote, and to provide the means to take action year-round.