(718) 689-0620
The state’s leading arts and culture advocacy organization providing vision, leadership, and resources to ensure the growth, prosperity and sustainability of arts and culture in Georgia!
2020 Elections

2020 Elections

Georgians for the Arts asked all Georgia Senatorial candidates to provide their arts and culture-related platform statements.

These questionnaires or requests for a candidate’s platform related to arts and culture provide an opportunity for candidates to inform voters where they stand on advancing the arts and culture.

  • 2020 Elections
    Georgians for the Arts asked all Georgia Senatorial candidates to provide their arts and culture-related platform statements. These questionnaires or requests for a candidate’s platform related to arts and culture provide an opportunity for candidates to inform voters where they stand on advancing the arts and culture.
  • Senatorial Candidate Reverend Raphael Warnock
    I am humbled and grateful to the arts community for coming together in an effort towards our historic work here in Georgia. And I especially want to applaud Georgians for the Arts for all that you do to advocate for our residents.